How do I archive my data from the season?

How do I archive my data from the season?

When the season is complete, get the most from your data by archiving it and being able to analyze anytime!

With the archive feature, you can now save either field or hardware specific data within your Trellis dashboard. If your hardware is in a field, the "Archive Field" button will archive the entire field and all the hardware in it. If you never created fields in your account you can also archive the hardware individually. If you wish to create fields before archiving your data, see how to create a field here.

If you wish to Archive your fields but do not know your yield data yet, don't worry! You can enter 0 in any field you are unsure about. Please call us with any further questions! 

To Archive a Field

First, go to the field page with the data you want to archive. Next hit the edit button and then select the "Archive Field" option.


Start moving through the Archive pop-up windows, and make sure all information is correct on the second page. 

Next answer a few brief questions about your field and the hardware in it. These questions are about your yield and the harvest date.

Then you will be able to archive the data. Remember once you archive something, it cannot be undone. 

Your data will then be moved into the archive tab, and the field will appear under FIELDS where you can view it anytime. However, you will not be able to edit the information.

*We are working on an update for folks who want to Archive and do NOT have their yield data yet, but want to enter it at a later date. 

To Archive Hardware

To archive a sensor that is not in a field, follow steps similar to those above. Start by going to the Hardware tab and clicking the sensor you wish to archive.

Next, on the sensor page, click the edit button, and then select the "Archive Sensor" option. 

Follow the same steps as described above. 

The hardware data will then be moved into the Archive tab in your dashboard, in the HARDWARE section.

Check out the video below for a quick walk-through.